FraudScore talks about AWasia 2017
“I visited many places,
Some of them quite
Exotic and far away,
But I always returned to myself.”
― Dejan Stojanovic
FraudScore BDO Zarina Shirinkina recently went to the Affiliate World Asia Conference and shared her thoughts about the event and told Victoria Petrova why Bangkok is such a miracle. I have an incredible love for Thailand and Bangkok itself. You will never get bored here and always find many opportunities for activities. It’s exactly what they called “Shocking Asia”. Coming to Bangkok, you seemed to be on another planet. It’s a city of contrasts. It’s hard to describe it, you’d better see it yourself and definitely try the insanely delicious food and go shopping. Bangkok took my heart and left so many emotion and memories that I couldn’t forget.
I arrived in Bangkok in the morning, tired and totally exhausted after 9-hour flight. I barely could sleep and didn’t have a breakfast. But nothing could break my will, so I went to the Affiliate World Asia Conference. You know when you pay around $1200 for the ticket, you have certain expectations. Not everything was ideally. But the organization of the conference was well-planned. Personally, I did not notice any problems with “where to go” and “how to get there”. Everything was clear and just enough. I need to admit the content of the conference was perfect, and some reports were really great.
When it comes to the parties, everyone knows - it’s a perfect place to make some great business connections. Everybody is relaxed and don’t feel the pressure, so you can easily make new friends. A traditional party for participants is an integral part of WORLD AFFILIATE CONFERENCE. Here the most pleasant acquaintances happen, where productive and lasting cooperation begins. The warm friendly atmosphere, a buffet table and incredible views of the night city - everything that helps gladly to continue the communication with colleagues, share impressions and discuss the main topics of the conference.
Despite the fact that AWasia conference was the most productive event in the last 3 month, it’s too early to talk about the results. As you know B2B sales take time. It was my last conference in 2017. But 2018 is the new beginning. So let’s keep in touch, follow us on Facebook and Linkedin